1) GameController
2) GameControllerInterface
3) Game
4) GameInterface
5) MainBoard
6) MainBoardFrame
7) MainBoardInterface
8) GameBoard
9) GameBoardFrame
10) DataBaseInterface
11) LoginScreen
12) LoginInfo
13) Registration
14) RegistrationFrame
15) RegistrationInfo
16) LoginHandler
17) ButtonPanel
18) ButtonsPanel
19) GameDetail
20) Table
21) PegId
22) PegDetails
23) PlayerDetails
24) PlayerDetailsManager
25) PegManager
26) SelectionDialogBox
27) GameCompletionDialog
28) FailureDialog
29) JoinInvitationDialog
30) InviteDialogBox
31) SaveResumeHandler
32) UpdateDialogBox
Class: GameController |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
Creates new object of Game class for each create game request. |
Process the invite request |
Process the join request |
GameDetail, Game |
Process the watch request from user to watch any game. |
GameDetail, Game |
Forwards the registration and login info of the user to DatabaseInterface class. |
DatabaseInterface |
Forwards the save game and resume game requests. |
SaveResumeHandler |
Process the request to change the user password |
DatabaseInterface |
Class:GameControllerInterface |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It gives the access to the methods in GameController class |
GameController |
Class: Game |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
Process and accept the join request. |
Updates/Synchronises the GameBoard objects of the players involved in that game. |
MainBoard |
Maintains the list of all the players in the game. |
Class: GameInterface |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It gives the access to the methods of Game class to MainBoard class |
Game |
Class: MainBoard |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
Displays the information of the current games being played. |
Table |
Forwards join, create, invite, watch, update requests to GameController class. |
GameController, ButtonPanel |
Process the request for creating new GameBoard object , from Game class. |
GameBoard |
Forwards all the updates send by the Game object to GameBoard object and vice - versa. |
GameBoard, Game |
Class:MainBoardFrame |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It contains the MainBoard applet. |
Class:MainBoardInterface |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It gives access to the methods of MainBoard class to Game and GameController classes |
Class: GameBoard |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It creates the play board. |
PegManager |
It informs any play action to the game class through mainboard class. |
MainBoard |
It informs the game class about the game completion. |
MainBoard |
It informs the game class, when some player quits or exit the game. |
MainBoard |
It forwards the pause request to save the game. |
MainBoard |
It disables the play functionality of the game for watch request. |
It keeps track of the time for each turn of the player. |
Class: GameBoardFrame |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It contains the GameBoard applet. |
Class: DatabaseInterface |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It registers the user. |
It checks the authenticity of login information provided by user. |
It updates the database when the user wants to change the loginID or password. |
Class: LoginScreen |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
Displays the login screen & accepts userid/password and forwards it. |
LoginHandler |
Invokes the Registration Applet. |
Registration,RegistrationFrame |
Class: LoginInfo |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It takes the login data and changes into LoginInfo Object which can be send to the server. |
Class: Registration |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It displays the form which user has to fill out for registration and accepts & forwards it. |
LoginHandler |
Class: RegistrationFrame |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It contains the Registration applet. |
Class: RegistrationInfo |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It takes the Registration data and changes to RegistrationInfo object which is tranferred to server |
Class: LoginHandler |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It takes the loginInfo or registrationInfo Objects and forwards it to server for process. |
GameController |
It displays MainBoard when it receives the positive return code. |
MainBoard |
Class: ButtonPanel |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It creates the Panel containing buttons which is used by MainBoard class. |
It handles the following buttons:- Create, Resume, Invite, Update, Logoff |
Class: ButtonsPanel |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It creates the Panel containing buttons which is used by GameBoard class. |
It handles the following buttons:- Start,Save,Exit. |
Class: GameDetail |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It contains all the information about the every game which is created. |
Class: Table |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It forwards the join and watch request of the user. |
MainBoard |
It displays the detail of all the games in the form of table in the MainBoard applet. |
MainBoard |
Class: PegId |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It calculates the position of each peg on the GameBoard using the sequence numbers. |
Class: PegManager |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It makes the Chinese Checkers Board on GameBoard and the required pegs |
PegDetails , PlayerDetailsManager , PlayerDetails |
It process the click event. |
GameBoard, PlayerDetails |
Class: PegDetails |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It defines the owner and color of each peg. |
PegManager |
It determines at which point click is made. |
Class: PlayerDetailsManager |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It keeps the list of the PlayerDetails Object of each player playing the game |
Class: PlayerDetails |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It keeps the information of Color, Owner, BaseCorner, DestinationCorner of each pegs. |
Class: SelectionDialogBox |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It displays the choice box to select number of seats for creating new Game. |
Class: GameCompletionDialog |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It informs that the game is complete. |
Class: FailureDialog |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It informs about any Failure.Ex- incorrect password during login , unable to update password , etc. |
Class: JoinInvitationDialog |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It informs the player about the invitation to join the game |
Class: InviteDialogBox |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It displays the list of player who are available |
Class: SaveResumeHandler |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It process the save and resume request of the Player to save and to start the saved game. |
Class: UpdateDialogBox |
Responsibilities: |
Collaborators: |
It displays the dialog box in which player can enter new passord . |